Mates of the Soul

There’s about 7.5 billion people in this world. Is it far fetched to believe that we all have one out there. That for each of us someone is out there to complete us; or better yet to match us. To match our greatness?


a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

The term soulmate means someone who is “ideally suited”. Meaning this person is meant for you and only for you. A close friend or a lover. But is this real? Or is an illusion.

One thing I do know is that soulmates do exist. Is it the person you end up with? Not always.  But they exist. My theory: A soulmate is made up of different aspects.

In the midst of understanding what a soulmate meant I asked myself what would that person need to have for me to consider them the only mate for my soul.

My Findings:

  • Their energy would empower mine

  • They wouldn’t complete me, but they would enhance me. (I am complete myself)

  • Challenge me

  • Love my flaws

  • Live my dreams with me

  • Make me laugh in ways that would make me run to the bathroom

  • Accept that some days I will love tacos more than him

  • Fight with me about basketball and baseball, celebrate touchdowns and championships

  • Believe in family, in the beauty of calling people blood

  • Accept that LOVE comes with obstacles

These things are align with my values, with my likes and my character. My values, likes & characters make up who I am, they make up my soul.

Notice that in my “needs” I never required them to give me anything other than understanding. Being someone’s soulmate is that. It’s that person that understands and accepts. The person who willingly is okay with you being too loud because they know if you were too quite they’d miss your voice. Accept that even though you don’t make it to the gym as much as you want to you genuinely do want to be there, and they become your extra push. Your soulmate is that person that though they might not wake up next to you yet wherever they are they are seeking you. Your souls have already met but have no yet found each other physically.

Not always are soulmates romantic partners that last forever. This connection can be found in someone of the same sex who you call your friend. It can be found in an ex lover who for some reason being in a relationship was not ideal. They can be your soulmate. Sometimes the right person romantically is not your soulmate.

Soulmates see past relationship statuses. The feeling is greater than any petty argument that might have broken you guys up. Soulmates live as long as your souls do, and then when you lay to rest forever in another world you will meet again.

We can all have mates but only one will match our soul.