Pamela Rodriguez

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A letter to my readers

Dear Readers, 

A few days ago I made one year of my blog! For so long had I been waiting for this day and all the plans around it but God had other plans for ALL of us. With that being said I just wanted to do a check in. Send a message of love and companionship. I want you all to know that you are not alone. Recently I have been feeling anxious more than ever and so I figured I’d share this feeling for those who deal with the same anxiety to know that you are not alone. 

Anxiety is real. It’s been something i’ve dealt with for some years now and I know in times like this it just flares out of control. It’s important to appreciate this time for the positives it brings and it can present to us. For example since I’ve been home my family and I have been having family dinners. Something we’ve lost along the way because let’s just face it we're always “too busy”. I’ve been able to read more and write. My creative side has been a bit more loose and active. 

I know we’re all praying to God this ends, and I am sure it will. But if i’ve learned one thing from life is that each experience is meant to be felt and experienced fully. So do the same with this. Stay home, play with your kids, learn a recipe from your mom or dad, practice those cooking skills, pick up a book, finish 5 netflix series in a week (IT’S POSSIBLE). I don’t know, maybe even practice making babies? Haha, yes hell with it have sex, enjoy time with your partner if you live with them. On the off chance you don’t try different things to stay connected. Play games virtually, write funny letters, facetime. Enjoy this time how YOU want to. Don’t allow society or social media to tell you what you should do. Don’t expect to be super productive every single day, you don’t have to. I mean if you are YAY you!!! But on the off chance that you are not, don't hate yourself for it. 

Also, take social responsibility for what is happening and for that we must stay home, practice empathy on both social media and everyday life. Just because you don’t know someone with COVID-19 or haven’t been impacted personally it does not mean it’s not real or serious. People are dying. Someone today lost a mom, a dad, a son, a husband you don’t know, but they did. Everyday hundreds of families are dealing with pain that is unbearable. I don’t consider myself a grieving expert but losing the two most important people in my life has taught me alot about empathy and about the pain that others feel. So yes, you are fine, your family is fine but some families aren't, some families aren’t just complaining about not going out to see their cousins or sisters. Some are crying because that cousin or sister is gone forever, so let’s be empathetic. Let’s not joke about the severity of this issue. Let's listen to our officials and let’s follow instructions accordingly. 

Below I’ve included some things I’ve done to distract myself! If you have any that you would like to share with me please do!! 

  • Downloaded the Kindle App ( for prime members you get free books!!) 

    • Currently reading 2 books on it. Will do a review when I am done!

  • Started creating a content calendar for my blog and IG TV channel 

  • Started filming content 

  • More writing 

  • Playing games with my mother and brother 

  • Some sleeping (it’s okay to sleeeep) 

  • Working office hours to stay busy through the day 

  • Cooking with my mom 

We’re all in this together!!  Don’t forget it !! And like Governor Cuomo has so loudly said we are New Yorkers, we are strong, we are smart and we will get through it together. 

xoxo , pmoney!!!