What is it they say… “Right time, wrong guy. Wrong guy, right time”? Recently I’ve been dwelling on this concept. Is it true? Do we live in a world where time is either right or wrong or do we as humans complicate things and make it “wrong”. 

So here’s the geezed. I do not know if I believe in that. I do not know because to me if you meet someone and they’re it, won”t you know? Won’t you know if the love of your life is standing across from you? Okay maybe you will not know. It takes time for these things. But if you meet someone special someone you know is different why won’t you give it a chance? Believe me when I say I am currently asking myself this. I currently wish I had the answers to these questions, and responding to myself.. This is what I will say. 

Sometimes, more than others we pick the wrong person. WE DO. not time. Not situations. WE DO. Recently someone told me about a situation where they had this person who for a while was in their life and they always knew they were special but based solely on stupidity they never gave this person a chance, a real chance. This person reached out to the other person but now they have found better. A person who values them, makes them happy and so I began to think if these two people are meant to be maybe the “wrong time does exist”. Maybe it’s up to them to make it right. Quickly I started thinking about the person that for years has tried making it right and how they always got blown off and how unfair it is for someone to leave someone who has given them so much happiness for someone that never actually cared to love them the way they deserved. But how do we know this person “didn’t” care. How do we know maybe they were scared. Maybe they didn’t feel worthy. Things aren’t always black and white sometimes we live in a gray area and we don’t even see it.

I truly feel for both people in this situation if anything I feel for all three, because now there's a third person here whose feelings will be hurt if for some odd reason they choose to revisit their passed. And you’re probably like Pamela, please. Why would that ever happen. And yes, you’re right maybe they don’t deserve a second, third or fourth chance. Maybe this person doesn’t deserve for someone else’s heart to be broken considering when they had the change they didn’t but life isn’t so simple. Love is though, which brings me to my next point.

I would be a hypocrite if I don’t say I believe in true love, in true connections. If these two people feel a little bit of hope or desire to be together shouldn’t they? ( Sorry to the other person) Shouldn’t they follow their hearts and finally make it right for each other? When you keep coming back to someone a reason must exist. I still don’t have an answer as to why two people always go back to each other but I do know this: True connections exist, true love does and maybe it’s up to us to finally say okay it’s NOT TOO LATE. Let’s fix this clock and make the time right.

Xoxo P$.