Pamela Rodriguez

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Keto: Why

Hi, Welcomeeee to my channel. I mean Blog. Welcomeee back, to those who always come back! If you’re new well you’ve arrived at a great time in my life. The time where I don’t eat carbs.  Since October 7th my carb intake has been very similar to my love life, non existent.

 See for a while I’ve been trying to lose some weight, but I never truly cared. I’m being honest here. Losing weight didn’t really seem like an important task even though I physically knew I needed to. In the last two - three years I had gained 60+ pounds, like 64 to be exact. I know gross, pam how could you. I mean idk, the two most important people in my life died, I had huge losses. Everyday I got up because I needed to, I found happiness in food. Because what the actual fuck, Pizza is amazing!!!! Burgers are so yummy!! and tacos, I mean TACOS yeah I had one too many, too many times. I must admit food was where I found happiness. It was that tiny feeling after a bite that made it all ok, and I mean even at my heaviest I WAS A BAD BITCH. 

I don’t mean to brag, at all. But I was, I have always been very secure in myself, in my body. All 200+ pounds of me. I am very grateful to say that I’ve had great self esteem all my life. I know so many people struggle with this which is why I give thanks to God everyday for allowing me to accept myself. With that being said, I wasn’t blind. I saw the change in myself, in my clothes. I would always just brush it off. Every selfie, every picture, every pants that didn’t fit. I’d just brush it off, till I couldn’t anymore. 

See my love life might be non existent but my hopes for a happy ever after live in me very very strongly. For a few years I never wanted kids, because yo no doy pa eso. But many things occured in my life that made me realize kids bring happiness into their parents life, happiness that no one else could bring. I know I’m supposed to be speaking about my weight loss and my new eating habits, but I need yall to know why I did it. 

After a lot of days of pain, of a lot of questions I went to the doctors and after the blood test gave me some unwelcome news I realized it was time, time to change. I was diagnosed with PCOS: Polycystic ovary syndrome. One that was directly connected to my weight gain and my sugar levels. PCOS if detected early can be controlled, though never really cured it’s something that is manageable. PCOS unfortunately results in infertility problems, acne, hormones wackiness and just overall affects your everyday life. Which is why I changed mine. 

After many weeks of research, of crying, and feeling lost I decided to take control of my life. This is where KETO came in. I need it to be clear I didn’t and don’t do this to look good. I do this for my health, because I want a family and because I deserve a healthier life. Looking good is solemnly an extra of this process. 

Keto is hard AS FUCK. It’s not a walk in the park. To be honest, It was hard. I cried at the beginning. I got crazy headaches. I started staying in more because I couldn’t eat at restaurants. For those of you that don’t know what KETO is. It’s a diet where you eliminate close to all carbs and sweets. You increase your fat intake. The way it works is your body starts burning fats fasters because of lack of carbs resulting in weight loss. Keto is not for everybody and I suggest everyone do their research. Keto worked for me because I did my research and because it directly connected to low sugar and carbs which I needed to control my sugar levels, in order to control my PCOS. It was hard, but SO WORTH it. In nearly 3 months I’ve lost close to 35 pounds. I feel amazing. My health has improved so much. And I’m happy, and hopeful that one day I will be able to have some kiddies like those around me. 

I think my biggest lesson out of all of this is discipline. It is meal-prepping for 3 hours on Sundays for the whole week. It’s prepping and cooking dinner at 8pm even if I’m tired as hell. Discipline is bringing dinner to places where you know carbs will be everywhere. Apart from the importance of discipline, support is so important. I’ve been so lucky to have an amazing support system. People don’t realize how hard each day is on a journey like this. I can truly say my family and friends have been amazing. From texting me to tell me I look good, to choosing a different menu for dinners so I don’t feel left out, it all counts. 

I by no means feel like a KETO expert, but I will help anyone who needs it. I will be following up with a routine blog. On a week on KETO. Keto for me isn’t a long term decision. Lately i’ve been adding a bit more carbs to my diet because slowly I’m reaching my goals and see it to be okay. Know your goals, make realistic deadlines, and DON’T GIVE UP. I haven’t lost any weight in the last two weeks, and that’s okay. Trust your process, trust your decisions. Do things for yourself, not for anyone else and you will see results.

To end this, picture on the right March 2019, picture on the left January 2020. 33 Pounds. 4 Pants size different.

Same bad bitch. xoxo, pshmoneeey :)