Pamela Rodriguez

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I’m sorry… 

What does this phrase mean to you? I know many people who struggle with the phrase while I know some that go around their days blabbing I'm sorry’s without any regards of other’s feelings. This phrase can be so heavy and hold so much weight for an individual while to others it’s just another set of words said to keep hurting someone. The phrase, “I’m sorry” has two sides to it. The person saying it and the person receiving the apology. Where do you often stand? Or the better question when you find yourself on either side, where do you stand on this phrase. Do you believe in the words “I am sorry” or do you believe it to be air words. Words said to keep it pushing? 

The words I am sorry to me are actual bullshit, I mean yes they are nice to hear but what the fuck does an I’m sorry mean if you will keep doing the same thing you just apologized for. I’ve had my fair times of having to say I’m sorry and though I have said them, I mainly focused on what my actions were going to be from the minute I said those words. In a poll I made on my Instagram most of you agreed with me that the words, I am sorry mean nothing. That what we should worry about is the actions that will follow it. 

So my question to you is why do we fall so easy when we hear these words? If we know I am sorry means “nothing” 

  • Why do we allow men or women to cheat and send flowers and say “Im sorry babe” with a few tears in their eyes and we forgive them?

  •  Why do we allow someone to call us out of our name and the minute they say “I’m sorry” we hug them and say “I know you didn’t mean it”.

Why? And yes Why is a very relevant question here, why is it that the minute we hear I am sorry all our standards fall, why do we so easily forget what made us sick to our stomach a few days ago and just run and forgive.


In my very humble opinion the reason we are so easy to forgive is because we allow things like love, lust, and needs to cloud our judgment. We allow the scary feeling of the unknown without someone to judge our forgiveness meter, and allow it to lower our standards. Standards that we so highly praise to the world we have. And listen man I am not saying you shouldn’t forgive I am just saying sometimes, some things are unforgivable and we need to make that be okay too. Sometimes someone hurts you too deep, disrespects you too much and not accepting a sorry is O K A Y. 

We live in a world where people want to scream “forgive but don’t forget”, how about “Forgive yourself for not forgiving and never forget”. 

Men and women both should hold themselves to higher regards, higher standards. We live in a world where we want to scream that so many things can be forgiven, well fuck somethings aren’t and that’s okay too. 

I’ve realized that in relationships and in friendships we beg people to say sorry but for what? Is sorry really enough? Or is it an ego thing to hear someone else say sorry to you just so you can feel “right”. 

In a world where we are often begged to forgive others we must learn to forgive ourselves for not forgiving someone. We need to learn to value ourselves more than forgiving someone’s continuously wrongful actions. And again, I am not saying we shouldn’t forgive but NO you shouldn’t KEEP forgiving someone that shows you who they are over and over again. Forgiving happens once, stupidity and insanity is the act of allowing things to happen over and over again while you expect different outcomes. 

And babygirl or babyboy… WE AIN’T STUPID OR INSANE. 

So, get a grip :) 

I say all that above to basically say this, hold people accountable do not give out forgiveness like candy. Make people earn your forgiveness, and sometimes when they don’t deserve the forgiveness let them know and move on. No reason to hold grudge in your heart, but also no reason to just give out your time and energy to people just because they say “I’m sorry”

Let’s all remember our values, hold our standards high, set boundaries and take care of your inner peace. Don’t let everyone back into your life just because of a phrase.

That’s all for now readers, thank you for always coming back and wanting more! You all make me the happiest I could ever be, See you back Wednesday with some fun Keto recipes :)

