Catch up in the world of Sports

So yes I have been bad. I’ve not kept my promise of writing on here once a week and bring content like I said I would. It’s been a few rough weeks for me but here I am. Back in the groove.

A lot has happened since we last spoke. The raptors won a championship. Giannis was named 2019 season MVP, like I said he would. Now the fun part begins for the NBA. Free Agency. The days of knowing who will  (or won’t) come to New York are closer than we think. Anthony Davis is meeting Lebron in L.A & it is rumoured that D-LO might too. Which I think is awful considering D’Angelo has made a name for himself in New York. He has advanced so much, grown and became a leader. Going back to LA to play under Lebron’s shadows will just hinder his growth.  

 The Yankees are back in full force with the edition of Encarnacion on the roster as DH. I’m a huge Encarnacion fan. He’s cool, he’s Dominican and he’s a power hitter, what else can you ask for? I do believe in the long run we need to get Betances healthy and find a way to add depth to our bullpen. 

The Knicks have been doing Knicks things. Only positive that came to the Knick has been R.J Barrett. Yes, everyone is so excited that I am too but a lot of Knicks fans forget that you need a leader in this situation and I don’t know if RJ is that leader. As of late the extreme question of why no big name player will come to New York has been pressing me. Is it because no one wants to build a team around themselves? Is it because New York fans are assholes? Or Is it because no one wants to play for Jim Dolan and his front office? 

This is all for now. As I just wanted to say hello & tell y’all I’m still alive.