The Art of Letting Go. 

The Art of Letting Go:

  • Full disclosure, I suck at this! But continue to read this and let’s learn a bit of how we can get better at it.

Early on in my life someone told me that sometimes the things or the people you love, you let go. You set them free, and if it’s meant to be they will return, if not it wasn’t yours, and never will be.

 I remember listening to this and saying ouch, wtf that’s harsh. I don’t want to let go of him, I want him. But eventually I learned that this was true, in life we need to let go. We need to literally listen to Elsa from frozen and “ let it go”. 

  • Rule #1: Never stay somewhere because you think you can fix it.  

But like I said, I suck at letting go mainly because I give too much of myself to the people I love. And it’s hard to understand that someone can’t do the same for me, and in a sick way I make myself believe that I shall stay and make it work. Guess what? A bitch is stupid, me being that stupid bitch.  

  • Rule #2: Cut all contact, I mean ALL. 

Let me make it clear, I believe you can be friends with people who you once dated, but honestly, at the beginning it’s not healthy or fair, for either. Cutting communication allows you to heal, it allows you to accept, it allows you to understand.  I know it’s hard but this is probably the most important part of it all. 

I have had my fair share of relationships that didn’t work, clearly… (still single) but from them I learned that I suck at letting go. I clearly just believe in over blessing people with my presence in their life, one they don’t deserve. 

  • Rule # 3: Accept 

Accepting that you have to let go is hard. It’s the stage in the breaking up or after breaking up that you question everything. You question yourself, your needs, you wants. For a few days and weeks everything is blurr and nothing makes sense. 

  •  Rule # 4: Trust the process   

The thing about letting go is that it can happen even after you have already broken up with someone. People are wrong to think that breaking up is the let go part, no. Letting go is a process. One that comes with having to accept a lot. Which takes time. 

All these rules above have helped me at some point in letting go of people that didn’t belong in my life, even when I wanted them there. One thing is for sure, and I should’ve made this my number 1 rule. The hardest but most important part of letting go of someone is LETTING YOURSELF GO. It’s the point where you realize that crying is part of the process, the part of the healing where you let yourself feel the pain. Letting go is a cut, a burn that is suppose to hurt so just like you smile when your happy, learn to cry when you are sad. 

Xoxo the baddest bitch, 
